
It is incumbent upon every Muslim to gain sufficient Islamic knowledge so as to ensure ones welfare in this world and the hereafter.

Equally important is the need to consult experienced and knowledgeable personnel when crucial circumstances arise. Taking such counsel is a praiseworthy deed by virtue of numerous Quranic injunctions. The Almighty (SWT) says:

“So ask the people of the scripture if you do not know.” [16:43]

“…(and those) whose affairs are a matter of counsel…” [42:38]

The vast majority of social problems within the Muslim community stem from ignorance of the Islamic rules and regulations regarding family life in general.

Book an appointment with one of our experts to discuss your issue in confidence, and get the most accurate Islamic advice.

In Islam, inheritance (also known as “mirath” or “faraid”) is a well-defined and regulated system of property distribution after a person’s death. Islamic scholars and jurists have established clear guidelines on how to distribute the deceased person’s estate among their heirs. If you require consultation on inheritance matters from Islamic scholar feel free to consult us.

It’s important to note that Islamic inheritance laws can be quite complex, and the specific rules may vary based on individual circumstances. Therefore, consulting with a qualified Islamic scholar is essential to ensure that the inheritance is distributed in accordance with Islamic principles.